Sky News has recently reported on some statistics from the 2021 census which will be of interest to the later living sector. 

Whilst the proportion of young adults in England and Wales has fallen by 5% since 1981, the older population has increased in more than eight out of 10 local areas over the past 40 years. 

In March 2021, older people made up 25.2% of the population, compared with 10.1% in 1981. It's clear that this population shift represents a significant challenge for the later living sector, in accommodating and providing adequate services for this growing portion of society. Equally, the results of the census show an exciting opportunity for those committed to investing and developing this expanding industry, where demand currently far outweighs supply. 

The challenge will be how quickly the industry can respond to the needs of the population! 

I’m looking forward to hearing some expert perspectives on this and other issues, at this week's ARCO annual conference.